Sclerotherapy (“Spider Veins”)

Sclerotherapy is a cosmetic procedure used to remove pesky, unwanted spider veins along the lower extremities. 


What are the different types of Sclerosants?

There are several different types of sclerosants commercially available today, the most common being Asclera, glycerin, hypertonic saline, and sodium tetradecyl sulfate. Dr. Rabi prefers to use Asclera, as known as polidocanol, due to its increased safety profile and increased effectiveness. 


What are spider veins?

Spider veins are small red to purple blood vessels that develop on the lower legs and thighs. Although not usually painful or itchy, spider veins are noticeable, and patients often feel self-conscious about their appearance. 



A small needle is inserted into your spider vein and the sclerosant is delivered, causing the vessel to become irritated and eventually close off. The body then absorbs the vessel and replaces it with healthy tissue. 


Why did I develop spider veins?

There are multiple risk factors for developing spider veins, including:

  • Age 
  • Female Sex
  • Family history
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Oral contraceptives
  • A career in standing for long periods of time 


How many treatments are required?

Results from sclerotherapy are permanent. However, you may develop more, new spider veins that can require similar treatment in the future.


What should I expect after sclerotherapy?

Noticeable results are seen immediately and improve over time. Repeat treatments continue to remove residual veins. 

spider veins on side and back of leg

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